Saturday, July 04, 2009

Still Waiting For Independence Day...

"What are you talking about?!" I can just hear readers asking that. Yes, today is July 4th, American Independence Day. Yes, I am an American, so it is my Independence Day. No, it is not the Independence Day that I am referring to.

My Independence Day that I am looking forward to is the day that I no longer have to rely on Break/Fix for the revenue to pay my company expenses, my payroll, and my salary. No longer reliant on that highly variable revenue, but on the definate contracted revenue. Call it "Covering the NUT Independence Day".

I have Managed Service contracts now (some call them Maintenance Contracts), so recurring reveneue is part of my revenue stream every month. And it is nice to see that monthly revenue come in automatically at the start of every month. I am not covering all expenses with that recurring revenue yet, but well on my way.

This does not mean that I will abandon Break/Fix entirely. Just that I will treat those service calls as small immediate projects that get placed in the service queue. They will have to take a position behind my MS clients, though. I have to give first divs to those clients willing to commit to monthly revenue with me. If you are a client that does not have a contract with me and you want to be at the top of my service queue, let's talk. I would be happy to show you why it is to your advantage.

I have to thank the biggies for getting me here (King Karl, Amy Luby, Mark Crall) and the smallies that suffered with me (Ben Ahlquist, Josh McCullough, Bob Nitrio), and just about everyone in the Arizona SMB Users Group (sorry, too many to name). Without you, this would not have been possible.

It may not be Independence Day for me, but it turned out to be Thanksgiving Day. :)

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